Sirius visits Sanrosscot!
Hi Sirius here. Well after my lovely stay with Bumpy and all his friends I made my way over to Northern Ireland to join Sandra for a couple of days before heading back for Keira's retiral show. The Hilton Templepatrick is very nice and I got to meet Bob, who has been helping Sandra and her colleagues with their training.
The next day we went out driving, I didn't really get to see much - they were driving too fast!!! We did stop at a nice place for lunch though, and the sun was shining as well.
On Friday it was test day for the guys, Sandra was very nervous but I calmed her down, gave her some good wise words and SHE PASSED, I was pleased for her. The training was at the Police Service Northern Ireland Training Centre

and they have loads of different cars there. I even had a go on the skid pan!!.

Friday evening it was back to Sussex where I met the guys, they are very bouncy!!! We went off to training club with Glen and met more of his friends, they are a very friendly lot and they seem to have good fun there.
I think she liked it. We took the cake round to Sandra's friend Di's car and I cut the cake and we all had a bit - YUMMY!!

After that I had a wander round the show, there are some very smart dogs there competing for some lovely prizes

I even stopped fora spot of lunch at the best catering facility - Shaylers.

While I was at Sandra's we went for a lovely walk down by the beach, it was very beautiful as the sun was shining and we all had a great time playing frisbee.

I had a rest on a bench overlooking the sea.

and they have loads of different cars there. I even had a go on the skid pan!!.

Friday evening it was back to Sussex where I met the guys, they are very bouncy!!! We went off to training club with Glen and met more of his friends, they are a very friendly lot and they seem to have good fun there.
We got up very early on the Saturday to go to the dog show, the dogs were very excited 'cos they haven't been to a show for a while. When we got there I showed Keira the cake I had decorated for her

I think she liked it. We took the cake round to Sandra's friend Di's car and I cut the cake and we all had a bit - YUMMY!!

After that I had a wander round the show, there are some very smart dogs there competing for some lovely prizes

I even stopped fora spot of lunch at the best catering facility - Shaylers.

While I was at Sandra's we went for a lovely walk down by the beach, it was very beautiful as the sun was shining and we all had a great time playing frisbee.

I had a rest on a bench overlooking the sea.
and then got stuck in ...

I also had a photo shoot for some extra special cards which you can bid for in the auction on The Refuge.
I had a nice time hear and am heading to Chasta next, I wonder what I will be doing there......?

I also had a photo shoot for some extra special cards which you can bid for in the auction on The Refuge.
I had a nice time hear and am heading to Chasta next, I wonder what I will be doing there......?
If you would like me to visit sometime in the New Year just contact my secretary ( to see when I am free to have an adventure with you.
Love, Sirius Dogstar x