The Italian Connection
I always have such a lovely time with Marge, she's such a good host! Here's what she says about the fabulous trip we took to Italy.
Late in December 2008 Sirius set off once more on a great adventure to the Calabria region of southern Italy. to be honest he was a little jaded from all his Christmas excesses and was looking for some quality time "on the piste"
.After a memorable flight with a rookie pilot and an even more memorable landing during which the plane almost barrel rolled in every direction possible, then bounced on the runway, Sirius was more than ready to chill out.
First stop was the lower slopes and checking out the skihire hut.

After deciding this was not for him, Sirius found something he did enjoy...... Sledging.

Oh what "fun" he had hurtling at supersonic speeds towards both trees and spectators alike.! Only the shouts of of Pisto (Or as he liked to say, Pesto!) made them run for cover.
Next was the wonderfully peaceful ascent on the bucket lift, gliding over the treetops to the to the top of Monte Botte Donato where the snow was deeper.

Sirus was so excited to see the huge gleaming snowplough that he tripped and fell head first into it's path. Luckily no damage to the brave chap.

Next, a lovely time was had making tracks in the snow and then onto making a snow bear. (Well he's too little to make a man).

With just enough time to sit on the top of the well (Yes he did nearly fall in!)

then grab a quick pizza in the bar, it was time to bid a fond farewell to the mountain and get ready for the evening's new year party.

The Brillo pub is set by the lakeside and gave us a warm welcome to see in 2009. At midnight champagne and fireworks were in plentiful supply, and Sirius took full advantage of the hospitality.

He enjoyed the Italian cake, as well as the good company and joind in several congas round the bar.

A good time was had by all!
Sirius was happy to get on the plane home, but not before he was frisked at the airport by a security guard (complete with guns!) who checked him thoroughly for any hidden contraband. Needless to say,there wasn't any!He is so looking forward to his next (warm) trip. "

Thanks so much to Marge for being a fantastic host to Sirius yet again!
Please contact Ingi should you wish to book either a Sirius or Poosa visit in 2009! ( )
Late in December 2008 Sirius set off once more on a great adventure to the Calabria region of southern Italy. to be honest he was a little jaded from all his Christmas excesses and was looking for some quality time "on the piste"
.After a memorable flight with a rookie pilot and an even more memorable landing during which the plane almost barrel rolled in every direction possible, then bounced on the runway, Sirius was more than ready to chill out.

First stop was the lower slopes and checking out the skihire hut.

After deciding this was not for him, Sirius found something he did enjoy...... Sledging.

Oh what "fun" he had hurtling at supersonic speeds towards both trees and spectators alike.! Only the shouts of of Pisto (Or as he liked to say, Pesto!) made them run for cover.

Next was the wonderfully peaceful ascent on the bucket lift, gliding over the treetops to the to the top of Monte Botte Donato where the snow was deeper.

Sirus was so excited to see the huge gleaming snowplough that he tripped and fell head first into it's path. Luckily no damage to the brave chap.

Next, a lovely time was had making tracks in the snow and then onto making a snow bear. (Well he's too little to make a man).

With just enough time to sit on the top of the well (Yes he did nearly fall in!)

then grab a quick pizza in the bar, it was time to bid a fond farewell to the mountain and get ready for the evening's new year party.

The Brillo pub is set by the lakeside and gave us a warm welcome to see in 2009. At midnight champagne and fireworks were in plentiful supply, and Sirius took full advantage of the hospitality.

He enjoyed the Italian cake, as well as the good company and joind in several congas round the bar.

A good time was had by all!

Thanks so much to Marge for being a fantastic host to Sirius yet again!
Please contact Ingi should you wish to book either a Sirius or Poosa visit in 2009! ( )