After my exciting journey I was even more excited when I found out I was working with Elephants at the Millennium Elephant Foundation ( MEF ) a Charity in Sri Lanka that looks after unwanted and sick elephants

They get a bath every day , I am glad I am not an elephant as I am not that keen on baths myself. This is my with
Laskhmi and her Mahout
didn't have any sponges ( how odd ) instead they used coconut shells, ooh well when in
Rome ( or
Sri Lanka as the case may be )

Then I got to say Hello to A
Menike who is very old and has poorly legs and walks very S L O W but she is very
friendly and likes cats

Menike also brings a snack with her to the river ( my kinda girl )

I also helped with making dough balls , inside Sam and the other volunteers hide the elephants medicine but don't tell the elephants as its a secret

after the daily vet check up Rani gave me little ride, she is 9 foot tall so I had to hold on very tight

I decided to see if I could find any animals more my size, this is Stumpy ( he has 3 legs ) and he lives at
Dogstar ensure he gets all his vaccinations so he is happy and healthy

Stumpy has a few
Friends living with him at
MEF, this is Colin and if I am honest he is a bit dim ( but lovely ) we did some roaching together in the sun

But it was all to much for Colin and he had to have a sleep

for my last few days I went to a Beach near the airport , it was very posh and they even had fishes on the breakfast plates. Sadly they were made of wood :(

I decided that the Captain could dine alone as I
didn't fancy lumpy rice and lumpy curry !

So I hit the town and had a drink

or 2

then I found
Sri Lankas poshest loos

and maybe rudest as well ( I thought it was the
ladys but well ooh
eer missus )

If anyone else is going on holiday in 2009 and fancies a little pal to help them check out the local loos then please email
Love Poosa x x x x