Dogtor Who ?
While at Wiccs, the latest incarnation of the Doctor was revealed to us - and he was strangely familiar....
He turned up in his normal mode of transport.

With his lovely assistants... Miss Millie Dread

And Martha Jones...

His adventures started...
The Doctor met a Wizard known as the Guardian of the Magical Birdbath who insisted he looked in the water to see his future in there.....

he Doctor could see a magical creature that needed his help...... what was going to happen?
He could hear noises, so he went to investigate.......
and found a poor dragon being terrorised by a naughty Knight of the slightly not round table.

Using the power of his super scarf and sonic screwdriver, The Doctor managed to scare the guard away...

And he was able to comfort the poor scared Dragon, who was very happy to have a friend.

The Doctor carried on exploring and found an interesting statue, and did a bit more sight-seeing...

Then he decided to pop back to the TARDIS for tea......
Unfortunately, he was followed! The guard from earlier had gone for reinforcements!

tune in tommorow for the next exciting installment
He turned up in his normal mode of transport.

With his lovely assistants... Miss Millie Dread

And Martha Jones...

His adventures started...
The Doctor met a Wizard known as the Guardian of the Magical Birdbath who insisted he looked in the water to see his future in there.....

he Doctor could see a magical creature that needed his help...... what was going to happen?
He could hear noises, so he went to investigate.......
and found a poor dragon being terrorised by a naughty Knight of the slightly not round table.

Using the power of his super scarf and sonic screwdriver, The Doctor managed to scare the guard away...

And he was able to comfort the poor scared Dragon, who was very happy to have a friend.

The Doctor carried on exploring and found an interesting statue, and did a bit more sight-seeing...

Then he decided to pop back to the TARDIS for tea......
Unfortunately, he was followed! The guard from earlier had gone for reinforcements!

tune in tommorow for the next exciting installment