more email from the pub
My Dearest Sam
I am keeping very busy hanging out with the locals. They seem very friendly and were very impressed I came prepared with my Welsh Rugby kit. I have a few concerns about my new abode - there is one resident hound who seems to look at me with a lacivious expression and also the staff here seem most distracted with 'running the pub' and haven't yet fully rolled out my retirement leisure programme - but I am sure these are teething problems and all with settle down soon.
Please do let all my supporters on my blog and facebook know how I am getting on.

Love Sirius
x x x
I am keeping very busy hanging out with the locals. They seem very friendly and were very impressed I came prepared with my Welsh Rugby kit. I have a few concerns about my new abode - there is one resident hound who seems to look at me with a lacivious expression and also the staff here seem most distracted with 'running the pub' and haven't yet fully rolled out my retirement leisure programme - but I am sure these are teething problems and all with settle down soon.
Please do let all my supporters on my blog and facebook know how I am getting on.
Here I am hanging with my new gang

Here I am getting to grips with the beer delivery system

Love Sirius
x x x