Poosa in Egypt with Di and Jules (Part 2)
Hi, Poosa here, sorry it's taken me so long to update you all on the rest of my trip to Egypt. I didn't realise this 'roving ambassador' job would be so demanding!
I think this pair of hosts could have a drink problem you know. I'm doing my best to keep up but they seem to have hollow legs. I find its easier to cling onto the bottle and hope for the best!

Thought I'd give belly dancing a go and had a practice at wiggling me bits. I dont think i have the boobs for the outfit though!

Further down the markets i stumbled up on a rather crass bag shop specially for tourists... i have my eye on this bag

Whooopeeee more egyptian tat although slightly better quality as its alabaster cat tat! it glows in the dark too. i cant imagine it would look any better than it did in the light!!

I felt like the queen on the throne but again was reminded i was still playing with tourist tat. I enjoyed my moment tho

I found a little camel to ride and did my lawrence of arabia moment across the tat shop

Then i had a go of the water pipe. Didnt smell or taste like apple tobacco though!!

Suddenly the whole world got bigger, even the camel i was riding on....
Of course after my funny pipe, i felt i could tackle the world and i became invincible
or not as the case may be...

thankfully Anubis the god of the after life was on hand and reincarnation was possible. thankfully he managed it without the 70 day preserved in salt and removal of organs (in my case the beans in me bum) and got me straight back on my feet!
A kind, and not so bad looking egyptian man checked me over and gave me a squidgy hug and sent me back on my way
After that i thought id take it easy... so we went to another tatty temple thats only half built to have a look at the pictures on the walls and colums
then a few days chilling by the pools where i met another roving ambassador called travelling ted. we hit it off and spent a lovely afternoon sharing a sun bed and shooting the breeze
I finally got to visit ACE, a local santuary where they rescue and treat ill dogs and cats and donkeys and goats and of course, in true tourist fashion, i got the t shirt
On our last night out, my so called guardians got drunk yet again, so i took the chance to take control and steer us to safety in the public ferry across the nile

I think this pair of hosts could have a drink problem you know. I'm doing my best to keep up but they seem to have hollow legs. I find its easier to cling onto the bottle and hope for the best!

Thought I'd give belly dancing a go and had a practice at wiggling me bits. I dont think i have the boobs for the outfit though!

Further down the markets i stumbled up on a rather crass bag shop specially for tourists... i have my eye on this bag

Whooopeeee more egyptian tat although slightly better quality as its alabaster cat tat! it glows in the dark too. i cant imagine it would look any better than it did in the light!!

I felt like the queen on the throne but again was reminded i was still playing with tourist tat. I enjoyed my moment tho

I found a little camel to ride and did my lawrence of arabia moment across the tat shop

Then i had a go of the water pipe. Didnt smell or taste like apple tobacco though!!

Suddenly the whole world got bigger, even the camel i was riding on....

thankfully Anubis the god of the after life was on hand and reincarnation was possible. thankfully he managed it without the 70 day preserved in salt and removal of organs (in my case the beans in me bum) and got me straight back on my feet!

After that i thought id take it easy... so we went to another tatty temple thats only half built to have a look at the pictures on the walls and colums

then a few days chilling by the pools where i met another roving ambassador called travelling ted. we hit it off and spent a lovely afternoon sharing a sun bed and shooting the breeze
