New friends...
Well, I have been working hard this weekend selling raffle tickets for Dogstar, and reacquainting myself with the locals. I was heartily looking forward to tonight's planned social engagement of eating out at friends' but this has sadly been cancelled due to illness. Instead, Abby and Kev are threatening to leave me with their two hairies while they go out to eat curry (something about them being respectable people and not wanting to risk me misbehaving in the curry house! As if!). We are still in negotiations about this as I am all too aware that at least one of their hairies lusts after me a worrying amount.
In the meantime, I have been getting to know some new friends. Don't worry Sam, we're not playing for big money!

It's amazing how many bears there are round here! They're not so chatty, but company is company. The guy on the right reckons he's famous, but I think he's bigging himself up at bit. He's trying to be all mysterious and won't tell me his real name, just keeps saying "Call me Alan". Does he look like an Alan? I'm suspicious.
As for the other guy, well, he is in a sad state. I found him face down in a corner of the bar trying to hide from the resident hairies. Apparently they give him a really hard time. He showed me the wounds to prove it, too bad to show on here I'm afraid. I gave him my feather boa to cheer him up, and it seems to have worked! Says his name is Keith and that 'Alan' is full of high ideas and not to take any notice of him.

I'm missing my full wardrobe. I have decided I definitely need more jumpers. These folks don't seem to have heard of HEATING. It's alright when you're in front of a fire, but the upstairs of this place is Baltic! I reckon tonight I'm going to have to sleep in full clothing to keep warm. I'm certainly not taking up No 2 hairy beast's offer of a snuggle with him. No siree, I'm not stupid!
Love, Sirius xx
p.s. In the first photo, I notice it looks like my pants are around my ankles. In fact, I am not wearing any pants and what you can see is hand of cards. Honest.
In the meantime, I have been getting to know some new friends. Don't worry Sam, we're not playing for big money!

It's amazing how many bears there are round here! They're not so chatty, but company is company. The guy on the right reckons he's famous, but I think he's bigging himself up at bit. He's trying to be all mysterious and won't tell me his real name, just keeps saying "Call me Alan". Does he look like an Alan? I'm suspicious.

I'm missing my full wardrobe. I have decided I definitely need more jumpers. These folks don't seem to have heard of HEATING. It's alright when you're in front of a fire, but the upstairs of this place is Baltic! I reckon tonight I'm going to have to sleep in full clothing to keep warm. I'm certainly not taking up No 2 hairy beast's offer of a snuggle with him. No siree, I'm not stupid!
Love, Sirius xx
p.s. In the first photo, I notice it looks like my pants are around my ankles. In fact, I am not wearing any pants and what you can see is hand of cards. Honest.