I am bit behind with my blogging , I blame Sam its not like she does much else for
Dogstar and she has not got all my photos in from my previous trip. She is a shocking PA and to tell you the truth I am on the lookout for some more professional help
anyway I ended up back with Sam and Mark after a fab trip to help Anna ride her horse at a
competition ( more about that soon I promise ) I also went to a
fly ball competition and the Tour
de France ( again more about that when Sam gets the photos)
Whilst I was back at HQ I have designed my very own 2010 calender , its great its got 12 pages of me in ! Sam is going to be selling it to raise money for
Dogstar from next week and I will post details here of how to buy one
Poosa is missing (again ) so Sam has got all funny about
security and now I have a new tag in case I get lost

Its actually really cool as it has the
Dogstar Logo on the other side

So this morning Sam said I was going to see someone called
Morag for a relaxing spa break, she giggled a bit when she said it ( I think she knows her days as my PA are numbered ) anyway she told me to get my gear packed

It took me a while

I have a lot of stuff you know

I have a passport in case I am going overseas

Business cards

my British Airlines Sky
Flyers book

Once I got it all packed ( Sam was useless and NO HELP ) I decided to put on my Scottish outfit to impress
I can't talk about whats under my kilt as
that's a secret !

Any way I am very much looking forward to my spa break in York , I missed out on a trip to the wonderful Mrs B as I got "delayed in the post" so I am going to see her after York ( she needs my help rowing it appears ) and after that I am going to Ireland to a wedding , I don't think its my wedding but Sam was very vague on
details ( useless I tell you )
Will blog again soon
Love Sirius