Staying at Her majesty's pleasure....

Well the post office to be exact. Due to a hiccup in my travel arrangements I spent a very dry couple of weeks in a sorting office somewhere. I thought I must have been going somewhere very exotic seeing as I was in the travelling box for so long! I could see some light as my box had got damaged along the way but no clues to be seen...
Imagine my surprise when my box was opened and I was back with Annie!! Did she get so cross with me and my drinking at dumpledale that she sent me away?
Noooo, she was as surprised to see me as I was her. She phoned Sam and told her about my predicament and it was agreed that I would stay with her (she had better have some booze) until my next trip.
Here are my arrival pics

It was a bit warm in that plastic bag they wrapped me in!

My lovely travelling box is broke :(

I think a drink is in order, I feel a bit flat

Posing in my box for the last time

Annie didn't have anything planned for my unexpected visit so we did a lot of chillin' and I helped her at work by eating the choccie biccies at tea break.
She must think I'm some sort of model as she kept trying bits of material on me even though I like the star material (Miya has pj's in the same fabric )
So, here are my noo outfits....

Star pj's for travelling, Sid is my mate he doesn't try to eat me.

Now this little ensemble I'm a bit worried about. Annie says it's in case it rains in the Lake district where I will be going soon with Wendbert. I think it looks like some sort of fetish gear!!

Errrm, Sirius do you know who has been at the scrumpy by any chance? No of course it wasn't you was it?

On Remembrance Sunday we watched the service on the pc and I wore my poppy.

Just before I was due to leave it was Children in need night and I dressed up and got in the swing of things with my trusty steed.

Soon it was time to go in my new bigger box and I waved goodbye to Annie and her family and crossed my paws tightly that my trip would be a shorter one this time. I'm off to Dogstar HQ.

See you again Sirius, it's been a pleasure
Annie & Hounds xxx

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