Sirius visits West wales

After a long journey along the M4 and beyond, we arrived at Little Dumpledale in Pembrokeshire.

"SO what's the deal here then? Is there booze?"

This is my mate Sid who promises he won't let the others eat me. I hope he's not fibbing!!

We visited St Govans Chapel and boy am I glad I didn't have to walk down all those steps as I hitched a lift in the camera bag.

The view was really good

Oiii! missus, do you mind?

Porthgain was pretty too so I did a bit of posing

Well this sightseeing is all very well but I'd heard about the famous party nights at Little Dumpledale and there was a whisper that some Beastly Beasts were going to be there. Hope their table manners are good.

The night of the party arrived and as we were in wales I just had to wear my dragon outfit. Annie made banoffee pie and I promised not to touch (Is there alcohol in a banoffee pie?)
Couldn't decide whether I was in a beer or wine mood so we took both to the party.

It got better, there was sossidges on offer :) More dogs to meet too. This one wanted to eat me!

This one cuddled me..

This one let me hitch a ride :)

I found myself a friend too who was ever so friendly

Not quite sure where this brood appeared from *grins*

Many, many glasses later I don't quite know what went on, first I posed with Andy, then Carol (yoohoo auntie Iris! I can see you behind), messed around a bit then met with Gill of these Beastly Beasts. Turns out it's the dogs who are the beasts! Boy was I relieved LOL

Oi, Gill I'm not a rabbit you know

Needless to say we didn't hear a peep out of Sirius on the way home as he travelled asleep in a dark place on account of his *delicate* head*
Lovely to spend time with you again Sirius, Happy travelling!

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