Welcome back to my adventures in Barbados!
After sleeping off my excesses from the night before, we headed out for the day and went to the motor museum. I couldn't drive any of the cars so sat on the bonnets instead!

I tried out one of the old motorbikes but I seem to be facing the wrong way...

After all that motoring history, it was on to Rockley beach. Fabulous... more drinks! And some posing, beachside.

Nice beach, eh?!

In the bar, got caught up with another big fish - I was only trying to be friendly!

On Wednesday, we stopped for lunch at the Round House at Bathsheba. It was extremely windy and too risky for me to pose. There is a very big drop from the verandah!

In the afternoon, I spent some time playing on the beach by our apartment and found these sticky up things to sit on and admire the view across the beach. I think it used to be a jetty...

Back to surfside for more drinks and lunch. And a few more drinks! Very good!

Recovered enough to meet nice man selling jewellery on the beach. Chose on for Wendy. Hope she likes it.. (she does, thank you Sirius!!)

The next day, back at the apartment I was showing off but got my leg stuck. Ooops! Had to be rescued. Will definitely stop drinking...... Soon....

Back at rockley beach

I found treasure!
Well, perhaps not treasure, but actually a spade. I decided it was good for leaning on.

Fell off the wall and helped up by David.... Thank you!

.... Note to self: must stop drinking.

After all that excitement, I needed food!

Some monkeys vistied the apartment but they weren't keen to chat. How rude!!

We went visiting on Thursday evening and I made some new friends. Obviously, being such a handsome little chap, the ladies LOVED me!! And wanted to squeeze me. Ouch!

I didn't know why Peachy was laughing at Norma for being so smitten with me.....
All too soon my holiday was nearing the end. I did fit in a bit more R&R at the pool after finding a convenient pair of legs to lounge on while I dried out from a dip in the pool:

Just to make sure my tan was even, I rearranged myself on the lounger and had a little nap.....

All too soon it was time to go back to the airport and catch our plane back to England. Thank you John & Sally, David & Nadean and everyone I met in Barbados who made my holiday so fab. If a little drunken......!
Sirius xx
PS, Anyone want to get me checked in at The Priory??